Incentivize the World

Prosperity Coin (WPN) is a cryptocurrency supporting worldwide prosperity.
Deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain, Prosperity coin is a disruptive decentralized cryptocurrency dedicated to eliminating poverty, disease, and violence.
Members automatically join by purchasing/earning/receiving Prosperity Coin (WPN).
Spend your coins in the World Prosperity Network and receive cash back rewards paid in ERC20 Tokens.
We are building a network of WPN Sustainable Services to include:
Peer-to-Peer referral Network, online shopping, affordable and luxury sustainable smart housing, holistic healthcare, business consulting, marketing and branding services, natural/organic foods, wellness products, exclusive travel deals, and more.
Exchange your tokens for socially progressive and environmentally conscious goods, services, and products.
Love to Donate to Charities?
Buy WPN Prosperity Coins and donate them to your favorite charity. You fund 2 maxing causes for the cost of one and accomplish double the good deeds – in one fell swoop!
“Do not spend money with those that peddle oppression.
Put your dollars to work for the benefit of the world and see your investment return to you tenfold”.
Join us in our pursuit to improve the world.
With Prosperity Coin, it Pays to Give Back.
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